we move for life
What does that mean?
we believe that we as human beings are meant to move for our entire lives.
from picking up grandchildren, to working in the yard, to moving heavy weights in the gym, the freedom and confidence that you can do anything is what we want to provide.
At fixation, we train for tomorrow. This means we believe in doing things today that will make you a stronger and healthier individual and will still allow you to come back the next day, the next week, and keep moving forever!
fixation believes in what crossfit can do for all of us.
by performing constantly varied, functional movements, at a high intensity.
we want to help you move for life

Some of our equipment
Battle Ropes
Suspended Ropes
Barbells & Bumper Plates
Assault Bikes
Step Boxes
Kettle Bells
Glute and Hamstring Machine
Wall Balls
Jump Rope